Saturday, October 27, 2012

DIY Brobee Costume

Yo! Halloween!

This year my daughter desperately wanted to be the character Brobee from Yo!Gabba Gabba. So I figured I would go out and buy her a cute, girly Brobee costume, right? WRONG.

Apparently, no one makes cute girly costumes for a uni-browed, fuzzy monster.
Who knew?! :) So I decided to actually make her Halloween costume myself. Now I'm not all that crafty.. and I know when I was a child, it was pretty un-cool to have your parents make your Halloween costumes. But I really wanted her to have something a little more special. Prowling around on the internet, the closest (and may I say adorable) adaptation to a girly Brobee costume was right there on the YGG fanpage here.

  I loved it so much that I actually decided to do my own version! Now her tutorial for the leggings and sleeves were a little different. She used adults socks to create them. Which is great besides the fact thay I literally could not find striped green socks anywhere! (Or at least not the right colored socks). And I'm really not good at sewing. So instead I found these long-sleeved Brobee pajamas on amazon and used them instead. They work great because they cover her up while its chilly! Also I didn't have to make or buy a Brobee face t-shirt because the pajamas already had it on there! I made the tu-tu with elastic and green/glitter tulle and weaved green striped ribbonaround the waist.
the "horns" was made from a regular green, fabric rapped headband and used three Styrofoam cones which I painted red with acrylic paint and hot-glued them to the headband. And BAM! An adorable Brobee costume for ny little girl. I would say she's pretty pleased!

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